10 Stinging Nettle Leaf Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health

10 Stinging Nettle Leaf Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health

Presently available all over the world, the stinging nettle leaf finds its origin in colder areas of Asia and Europe. Its therapeutic usage can be dated back to ancient Greece. The thin and fine hairy formations on the leaves cause a sting like feeling when comes in contact with the skin, hence it got the name. But when processed, it leaves everyone in awe with its medicinal qualities. Let us discuss some of these health benefits of stinging nettle leaf herbs. Some of the common names for this are Bichu, Common Nettle, Great Stinging Nettle, Nettle, Nettle Leaf, Nettle Seed, Nettle Worth, Nettles, Ortie.

1. Arthritis Relief
The anti-inflammatory properties of nettle sting leaf make it a natural remedy for arthritis and other joint pains and discomforts like rheumatism, tendonitis, gout and bursitis. Massage of nettle leaf oil and extract as well as oral consumption of tincture and tea of this herb acts as a great pain relief. 

2. Treats UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) 
Stinging nettle leaf is a natural diuretic. It is recommended in the case of infection in urinary tract, kidney and bladder. Frequent urination solves many problems like kidney stone, bladder stone, etc. For people suffering with different urinary problems, this herb is very beneficial. 

3. Anti-allergen Qualities
Stinging nettle leaf is a natural anti-allergic medicine. It is known to regulate histamine release. If the extract, tincture or tea of this leaf is consumed before meal, the sensitivities for few food items reduce to some level. This is also effective in curing seasonal allergies like asthma, hay fever, pollen allergy, sneezing etc.

4. Natural Styptic
Stinging nettle leaf is blessed with this one property which very rare herbs are. It can stop internal as well as external bleeding in human body. So, from excessive menstrual bleeding to stomach bleeding and from nose bleeding to haemorrhage, its styptic properties arrest the local bleeding. 

5. Feminine Care
Often women are recommended stinging nettle leaf supplements because it stops excessive menstrual bleeding, alleviates pains and cramps during periods as well as takes care of the hormonal imbalances during menopausal phase. It is a boon for lactating mothers.

6. Anaemia Cure
Being rich source of iron, nettle leaf helps creating blood and treating anaemia. It also has detoxifying properties which boosts your immunity and improves your overall health. 

7. Gift for Weight Watchers
Stinging nettle leaf has beta-sitosterol which is known to dissolve dietary fats in your blood. Thus, it not only keeps your weight in check but also lowers down the level of cholesterol, keeping health diseases away from you. 

8. Prostate Care
Benign prostate hypertrophy is a common problem among adult men. Stinging nettle leaf extract is a proven natural remedy for the same. Laboratory studies have also established that it is really effective on prostate cancer as well but it is yet subjected to tests to be carried on upon human beings. 

9. Improves Blood Health
Along with iron, stinging nettle leaf is rich in Vitamin C as well. Together they purify the blood, increase RBC count, increase circulation of blood and help quick healing of wounds. 

10. Skin Care
From scar and acne removal to retard premature aging, stinging nettle leaf extract can be your magic potion to a blemish-free glowing skin.

10 Stinging Nettle Leaf Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health 10 Stinging Nettle Leaf Benefits for Skin, Hair & Health Reviewed by Unknown on March 01, 2019 Rating: 5
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