10 Best Lovage Herb Health Benefits

10 Best Lovage Herb Health Benefits

In this video we are going to discuss about Lovage Herb health benefits. World is divided over the origin of this herb called lovage which belongs to the parsley family but it is gladly united over its health benefits. It is rarely used in our daily lives both in culinary and therapeutic terms as it has not received the commercial platform required for that popularity but its use in south west Asia and pockets of Europe tells us a lot about its natural healing properties. Let us discuss these health benefits of lovage herb. Some of the common names of Lovage are Old English lovage, cajoler's weed, Love herb, maggi plant, Maggiplant, devesil, Italian and Cornish lovage, smellage, levisticum, maggiqurzel, sauerkrautwurz.

1. Renal Health
First and foremost benefit of lovage is its diuretic properties. It helps urination without potential loss of electrolytes. This results in flushing away the toxins from our body in form of urine. This reduces the possibility of renal calculi or kidney stone formation.

2. Anti-Biotic Properties
It is difficult to believe but lovage herb is truly laden with properties to fight with bad bacteria that may damage our body system. Its extract gives our body protection against harmful organisms like salmonella, H. Pylori, E Coli, and H Influenzae. 

3. Skin Care Agent
The healing properties of lovage herb solve acute skin problems like acne and dermatitis. Strange fact is that scientists are still to locate the component which is responsible for this but it has been used in skin care routine traditionally.

4. Lungs Problem
Lovage herb has eucalyptol which is an active compound responsible for reducing irritation in lungs. Research has shown that if taken during chest congestion, it can loosen phlegm to promote better respiration, improved airflow and increased oxygen intake. 

5. Digestion Care
The most common use of lovage herb is for digestion. It eases the process, reduces bloating and acid formation and relieves flatulence. It is known for soothing any kind of irritation in gastrointestinal tract and has been used for the same for ages. 

6. Women Health
It can be used for gynecological problems as well. Lovage herb is well known to be a relief component for the discomforts of menstrual cycle. It's nutrition pack and soothing qualities make it a healthy supplement to be included in the diet before and during the menstrual periods. 

7. Anti-Allergic Qualities
Among its several traditional uses, this is one of the most vital ones. Quercetin, another active compound in lovage is a natural inhibitor for histamine release which soothes the skin irritation. 

8. Joint Pain Relief
Joint pain, rheumatic swelling and gout are perennial problems, especially during the old age. Lovage herb is natural care for these discomforts sans all adverse side effects that are complimentary with conventional allopathic drugs. 

9. Pain Relief
Lovage herb is loaded with healing compounds like eugenol, limonene and quercetin that soothe the aching body and its rough patches. It relaxes the tensed muscles and promotes better blood circulation through them to alleviate any kind of inflammation. 

10. Migraine Headaches
Another of its traditional age old use is as a remedy for headaches, especially migraines. It relaxes the tensed nerves in brain, soothes the pain and induces sleep. 

By now you might have got insight into some of the top and effective Health Benefits of Lovage Herb. Do give us your comments on its usage and benefits you might have got out of its use. 

10 Best Lovage Herb Health Benefits 10 Best Lovage Herb Health Benefits Reviewed by Unknown on March 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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