10 Best Snake Fruit Benefits or Salak Fruit Benefits and Uses

10 Best Snake Fruit Benefits or Salak Fruit Benefits and Uses

Let us disccuss on the top benefits of Salak Fruit or snake fruit. Let us also have a look at some of the top Snake Fruit Nutrients. The salak or snake fruit belongs to the family of palm tree and originates from Java and Indonesia. Since its Latin name is Salacca Zalacca, it is also known as salak. Due to its coarse prickly and scaly skin, it is called snake fruit. It is a tangy and juicy fruit with a tinge of sweetness, a lot like pineapple. We know in general fruits are packed with nutrients but we have hardly come across the name of this fruit which has been used therapeutically in the local areas. The fruit is native of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. 

Snake Fruit Nutrients
Iron - 48.75%
Vitamin B2 - 15.38%
Vitamin C - 9.33%
Carbohydrate - 9.31%
Calcium - 3.80%
Calories - 368 Kcal per cup

1. Vitamin C
Snake fruit is a generous source of Vitamin C. 100 grams of this fruit can fulfill up to 14% of RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of this vitamin. So, if you include salak in your every day diet, you are conveniently on an anti-oxidant rich diet.

2. Iron
Eat salak fruit to increase your RBC count. It is true because snake fruit is a rich source of iron as well. So, if you are suffering from weakness, anemia or chronic fatigue, eat 4-5 nos of snake fruit every day. 

3. Calcium
This fruit can also help you to get rid of bone related problems. Calcium is also found in abundance in snake fruit. Young children, pregnant and lactating mothers as well as senior citizens are recommended to add this fruit to their diet. 

4. Cholesterol Free
Snake fruit is low on calorie count and absolutely nil in cholesterol. What more can you ask for when you are looking for a healthy diet that will ensure your cardiovascular health. Keep heart related problems at bay with this fruit.

5. Gift for Calorie Freaks
This is Mother Nature’s gift for people who are wary of what they eat. It gives only 1% of calorie RDA from 100 gm of fruit. So, you can eat them for those cravings without adding on to your weight. 

6. Improves Your Eye Health
Snake fruit has beta-carotene and Vitamin A. Both these components are responsible for our eye health. Consuming snake fruit every day will ensure you have perfect vision and prevent night blindness as well. 

7. For Muscular Body
Snake or salak fruit is a protein rich food. It is a hot favorite one for the fitness freaks because it not only has a negligible effect on weight gain but also helps in muscle building. 

8. Memory
This fruit is a rich source of pectin and potassium. These components improve the brain functioning and blood circulation in brain, which further improves cognitive functions as well as boosts memory.

9. Diabetes Control
Pterostilbene is a compound known to lower the glucose level in blood stream. This component is present in snake fruit. The tea infusion made of snake fruit skin regenerates pancreas cells and improves its functions helping it regulate the insulin secretion. 

10. Cure for Nausea
Its tangy flavor and nutrients present in it helps in getting rid of nauseas tendency. Pregnant women can have it as a remedy for their morning sickness. Additionally, the nutrition obtained from this fruit will be beneficial for the baby. 

By now you might have leaned about some of the top salak fruit or snake fruit benefits. Do let us know your experience with the fruit and the benefits you might have experienced.
10 Best Snake Fruit Benefits or Salak Fruit Benefits and Uses 10 Best Snake Fruit Benefits or Salak Fruit Benefits and Uses Reviewed by Unknown on March 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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