10 Choy Sum Vegetable Health Benefits - Nutrition Facts of Superfood

10 Choy Sum Vegetable Health Benefits - Nutrition Facts of Superfood

Chinese Flowering Cabbage, choi sum and Choy Sum are some of the names of the vegetable. Choy sum is one of the green leafy vegetables that make an integral part of Asian cooking. This is one of the most popular vegetable of China and Hong Kong, but now with more people turning towards being vegetarian, it is gaining popularity in western countries as well. It belongs to the family of mustard and tastes something between spinach and cabbage. Like other green leafy vegetables, this super food is also loaded with goodness. Let us discuss top 10 health benefits of choy sum. 

1. Full of Roughage
It is needless to mention that choy sum is rich in dietary fibers and supplies much required roughage to our diet which ensures regular bowel movement and keeps sugar and cholesterol level in control. 

2. Helps Blood Formation
Choy sum is rich in minerals like iron, calcium and magnesium which help creation of blood and maintaining the hemoglobin level. This, again, keeps diseases like anemia away and ensures strength of the body. 

3. Absorption of Minerals
Minerals present in choy sum are absorbed better than other leafy vegetables like cabbage and spinach because oxalic acid which is responsible for the interference with the process of absorption is low. This ensures our body receives optimum advantage of all the nutrition in form of minerals. 

4. Good for Fitness Freaks
You can tuck to this vegetable to your satisfaction as it is very low in calorie. At the top of it, it is high on fibers, so it stays in your stomach for long not letting you feel pangs of hunger for a long time. 

5. Good Source of Vitamin B Complex
We all know what role Vitamin B Complex (Riboflavin, Niacin, Thiamin, Pyridoxine etc) plays in keeping our body healthy. So much so that we are often recommended capsules and supplements of Vitamin B by the medical practitioners. One portion of choy sum in form of salad, in sandwich or just snack can be a healthy substitute for these supplements.

6. Rich in Vitamin C
Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid is needed by our body to develop immunity and keep diseases like common cold, flu, scurvy away. About a 100 gm of choy sum gives 45 mg of Vitamin C which is as good as 75% of our daily requirement. 

7. Anti-Oxidants
Choy sum is a rich source of water soluble antioxidants. We know antioxidants detoxify our blood by cleaning it of free radicals. Healthy blood boosts immunity and promotes cell rejuvenation resulting in healthy body. 

8. Healthy Bones
These Asian greens are rich in calcium along with carotene or Vitamin A and potassium. Together they are effective in preventing diseases like osteoporosis and joint pain. 

9. Improves Heart Health
Loaded with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and fibers, choy sum helps keep cholesterol and blood pressure under control which in turn keeps our heart and kidney healthy. 

10. Apt for Diabetics
Diabetic patients are restricted to eat a number of good things. Fortunately, choy sum is low in sugar content and high on fiber making it a good choice for people with blood sugar above the normal level.
10 Choy Sum Vegetable Health Benefits - Nutrition Facts of Superfood 10 Choy Sum Vegetable Health Benefits - Nutrition Facts of Superfood Reviewed by Unknown on March 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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