What Happens To Your Body When You Fast | Fasting Health Benefits In Ramadhan

What Happens To Your Body When You Fast, Fasting Health Benefits In Ramadhan. The holy month of Ramzan brings several spiritual benefits with it. But did you know that there is more to fasting than just that? Not only does it help the believers in rejuvenating their faith, the benefits of fasting reach our daily lives and cause major shifts in the way our bodies operate.

8 Proven Health Benefits of Fasting.

1. Helps you lose weight.

Fasting is a great resource for shedding a few pounds. Not only does it help you naturally eat fewer calories, but when compared to calorie restriction diets, fasting has proven to be more effective.

 2. Reduce your intake of free radicals.
Mark Mattson, a scientist with the National Institute on Aging, has reported that fasting can reduce your intake of free radicals, which can cause cancer. In fact, according to Mattson, “These free radicals will attack proteins, DNA, the nucleus of cells, the membranes of cells. They can damage all those different molecules in cells.”

3. Improves brain function.
The nerves and synapses in our brains are important to care for. The more efficient they are, the better.

Fasting has been shown to increase the growth of new nerve cells in the brain.

This will improve how your brain functions.

it’s not just that.  It also increases the production of the brain protein. This protein protects against Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s.

4. Improves your immune system. 

fasting can help keep the body from getting sick.  By reducing inflammation, the body becomes more resistant to common illnesses.

So, fewer colds and a stronger immune system. Sounds good right?

Not only does fasting improve health in the short-term, but in the long-term as well.

5. Increases lifespan.
Can fasting help you live longer ? Basic studies in mice says so. Intermittent fasting in rats extends their natural lifespan.

In some cases, rats that fasted lived up to 83% longer than those that didn’t.

Although unproven in humans (we live for a long time to study), intermittent fasting is a good place to start if longevity is a goal.

6. Helps to clear skin and get rid of acne.
Fasting helps the body remove waste, particularly with damaged and dysfunctional cells.

By speeding up the waste removal process, you will notice improvements in your skin health.
You will get Clearer and healthier looking skin. 

7. Significantly raises growth hormone levels.
Growth hormone is a popular topic in the “sport science” culture.  When professional athletes get caught using performance-enhancing products, growth hormone is usually on the list.

This is because it has so many benefits such as:

Reduces recovery time from injuries,
Better lean muscle growth,
Greater fat burning,
And a smattering of other benefits.

The crazy thing is, Intermittent fasting has been shown to raise growth hormone by up to 2000%.

8. Lowers the risk of deadly diseases.
Heart disease and obesity are the big killers in modern culture.

fasting helps with these too:

Lowers blood pressure.
Decreases cardiovascular disease risk.
Improves cholesterol levels.
Which we think are good things.

Finally, a big problem in today’s culture is that we have become very insulin resistant. Thankfully fasting also helps with this.

So, here are 8 health benefits of fasting
What Happens To Your Body When You Fast | Fasting Health Benefits In Ramadhan What Happens To Your Body When You Fast | Fasting Health Benefits In Ramadhan Reviewed by hafid samorai on June 01, 2018 Rating: 5
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